Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The Tumble

Blaze has been taking gymnastics lessons through the day care. A bus comes to his preschool and they learn gymnastic moves in the bus. Blaze enjoys the lessons and occasionally demonstrates some moves, but tonight I saw a tumble that took my breath away.

Blaze was walking with his hands in his coat pockets, tripped, and fell (face first) onto the concrete curb, but continued to roll onto the grass and then somehow ended up on his feet. His chin was scraped up, he bled a bit, bruised his face and was in pain. I ached for our boy. He refused a band-aid, he has a fear of them, and even though he takes aspirin, the bleeding was not too bad, thankfully! But despite the fall, he landed on his feet.

I had something similar happen when we were at Children's for his second surgery. I came out of our room with a food tray, turned to shut the door, turned again and took the longest stumble of my life. I had the tray in my hands, at one point the tray touched the ground, but I kept going. I didn't stop until the tray had landed on the correct cart and I was sprawled across the tray. I had to peel some of the trash off of my shirt before I turned around. Somehow I stayed upright. I slowly turned around and was mortified to see a large cardiology team staring at me with their mouths open. One slowly said, "I thought for sure you had bit it." I walked away in total embarrassment. Some quick thinking nurse moved the wheelchair that I had tripped over, before I got back to the room-just in case! I think back on that time and laugh out loud at the memory. What was mortifying before is now a memory that brings a smile.

Life tends to do that to us...there are times when we stumble and fall. How amazing when we can land on our feet and continue on. Proverbs 3:23 "Then you will walk on your way securely, and your foot will not stumble." We all fall down, hopefully we get up, adjust and try again! So thankful that God's mercies are new every morning and He extends grace for the day.

Blaze and his cousin will be participating in an "Olympics" on Saturday. It's not a competition, but a demonstration of what they've been learning. So thankful for my strong, healthy boy, who doesn't let a "little thing" like 1/2 a heart slow him down. Excited to see his accomplishments, and praying he always continues to land on his feet.

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